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1 cup hulled whole wheat

13 cups water

1 cup dried California apricots, cut into strips

1 ½ cup golden raisins

¼ cup pignoli nuts (not the Asian variety)

1 ¼ cup sugar

2 tbs. rose water

Cinnamon and pomegranate arils to decorate

• Place the hulled whole wheat in a large, heavy pan, and add the water. Bring the contents to a boil.

• Put the covered pan in an oven set to its lowest level (it should be barely warm). Let it stay in the oven for four hours or until the grains are fully “blossomed.”

• Transfer the grains into the bowl of a food processor. Keep the cooking liquid in the pan. Pulse the grains 6 to 8 times only. Do not purée them; it should retain a coarse texture. Return it to the pan and mix it well with the cooking liquid.

• Add the apricots, raisins, pignoli and sugar to the pan. Simmer on medium-low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon for about half-an-hour.

• Let the pudding thicken just slightly. Turn the heat off and add rose water. Stir to mix it well.

• Divide it into individual dessert bowls or a large container. Cover the bowl with a towel to absorb the steam.

• Let it cool thoroughly. Wrap it with a plastic wrap and refrigerate.

When ready to serve, sprinkle with cinnamon and pomegranate pearls.

A glass of Armenian brandy would hit the spot.


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